Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I can here the footsteps.........................

A prince was sent by the king to a Zen master to master the art of awareness which was inevitable to rule the kingdom. The king also was trained under the same master. The master welcomed the young prince. Mster said: "your training is for 3 years. Every year you need to pass a test". Prince agreed. For the first year the test was like this: Master always carries a wooden rod. Any time the master may come to hit you. You need to escape without getting a beat. For our prince that was just a fun, like a game! He enjoyed it. He was very alert that he didn't get even a single beat in the course of an year. Zen master was very happy. He announced that the prince has won the first year test and now should be ready for the second year test. Prince readily agreed.

For the second year, the test was like this: Even nights during sleeping hours the master might come and beat you. Instead of a wooden block, the master now carries an iron rod. That was a bit challenging for our young prince. Still he decided to give it a trial lest he would be misqualified to rule the kingdom as his father's descendant. Prince became even more alert now. Even during sleep he would hear the footsteps of his master approaching and will escape without getting a beat. Practicing this for an entire year, he became very sharp and alert. Zen master announced that the prince has won the second year test and should be ready for the final year now. Prince too was very happy of his achievement. He asked what was the test for this year.

Master said: "This year, I'll be carrying a sword. I'll come any time to chop your head off. If you are not aware enough, you are not eligilble to live. This is the instruction to me from your father". The prince was stunt for a moment. He thought this was too much. He thought, 'if the master is testing me so much, I should test his awareness. Tonight I will go and chop his head off while he sleeps'. Zen master smiled and said: " I can hear the footsteps of your thoughts !"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A story about contentment

Thus I have heard.....

Once upon a time there lived a king. He used to go for rounds every evening in his country. Every time he used to see a naked man standing happily under a tree at the border where the forest begins. One day the king went to the person and politely introduced himself. The king told: "you look like a great yogi. You radiate so much peace. Please come along with me to my palace. I request you to be my Guru hereafter". The yogi readily agreed. As they both traveled towards the palace, they entered a village. The yogi stopped and said: "dear king, it won't be proper for you if I come naked like this to your place. It will be enough to cover myself if you can give me your shall. The king thought that was a sensible request and gave away his precious shall to the yogi. They proceeded further and reached a small town. This time the yogi said to the king that it is not proper for the Guru to walk and the disciple to ride on a horse. This time the king was a bit shocked but had to yield.   On the way, the yogi himself started to announce to the crowd that he is the Raja Guru. The king was a bit annoyed by all these and became a bit skeptical about his decision. He thought that the person may not be a real yogi, but just a crack. 

Eventually they reached the palace. The king gave all the facilities to his new guest. The yogi really enjoyed a very luxurious life. He also proved to be a competent Guru who helped the king in all his duties brilliantly. A couple of years passed by. One day the king hesitantly asked the yogi "what is the real difference now between you as a yogi and me as a king?"  Yogi said he will  reply to this doubt in the evening. As usual they went for their regular evening stroll and reached the border where they first met. Yogi alighted from his horse and said to the king that this horse belonged to the king. Then he took off the valuable dress he was wearing and told that even this belonged to the king. Seeing this the king was stunt for a moment. Yogi continued, "this doubt came to you not just today but the very first day when i asked you to alight from the horse for me. You may take all these and kindly go back to your palace. You won't be able to leave everything and be here. That is the difference between a yogic life and a luxurious kingly life." 
The king realized his mistake and apologized asking the yogi to return with him to the palace. Yogi said that this is his answer to the king's question. He also told that he was happy in the forest without anything and he was happy in the palace too enjoying all the luxuries. He further told that he will continue to be happy here in the forest under the same tree, and anytime the king needs any help in the country's affairs he is welcome to come and discuss it with him right over there.