Sunday, March 13, 2011

Everything is Changeable

Life continually moves between extremes and contrasts: Rise and fall, success and failure, loss and gain, honor and contempt, praise and blame................and we feel how our heart respond to all that happiness and sorrow, delight and despair, disappointment and satisfaction, fear and hope. These mighty waves of emotion carry us up, fling us down and no sooner we find some rest, then we are carried by the power of a new wave again.
Little joy comes after many disappointments, failures and defeats. This is the nature of the world where we live with our intimate friends and the next day they become our enemies to harm us.
The world is an unending flux of becoming. Recurring rotation of coming into being and then passing out of existence. Every written word, every carved stone, every painted picture, the structure of civilization, every generation of man vanishes away like the leaves and flowers of forgotten summers.
"The body like a lump of foam;
The feelings like a water bubble;
Perception like a mirage;
Volitional activities like a plantain tree;
And Consciousness like a jugglery"
-Samyutta Nikaya.

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