Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hygiene of the voice

Ayurveda divides human body into three types. They are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Among the 5 elements, Vata corresponds to the element Air. Pitta type of body corresponds to the Fire element. Kapha type is connected to the  water element.

"Uchaistaro dhwani rooksho Vijneyo vatajai budhai
Gambheero Ghanaleenastu Jneyo sou pittajo dhwani
Snigdhascha sukumarascha Madhura kaphajo dhwani
Trayanam gunasamyukto Vijneya sannipataja"

                                                - Tumburu.

Peak and intense sound originates from Vata type. Majestic and heavy sound is result of Pitta type. Flexible and sweet sound  comes from Kapha type. A mixture of these three  types is known as 'Sannipatajam'. So says Tumburu.

Bodily Symptoms

Vata (Wind)
Thin body - Dry and rough skin - Poor digestion and bowel movements - Weak body structure - implies a vata kind

Pitta (Bile)
Tall thin, strong body with high body heat - Good digestion and bowel movements - Acidity, Ulcer, Sleeplessness etc. indicate the Pitta type.

Kapha (Phlegm)
Fat body, good skin texture, shiny hair, strong nails, poor digestion and bowel movements are characteristics of the Kapha Prakriti. These symptoms could be utilized to identify the three kinds of bodies mentioned in Ayurveda. 

Basically you are what you eat. The body and the mind evolve from the kind of food we consume. Food can be chosen by each person according to his type of body. This discrimination will be conducive not only for the throat but also for the entire constitution. The types of food that we take have a great role in the culturing of voice. Grosser the energies of the food we eat, grosser the sound becomes. A musician consuming food types of subtle energies will be bestowed with a refined voice.

Vata type of people should consume lots of Vitamin-A. Carrot, Spinach, Pappaya all contain sufficient amount of Vitamin-A. A little bit of spices is good for vata type people. It will be better to substitute coconut oil with sesame oil for cooking. Small quantity of nuts also could be consumed. It will be ideal to develop the habit of eating vegetables half boiled. Vegetable soup is also good for a vata quality person. Care should be taken to eat warm food. It is advisable to avoid cold and refrigerated food items.

Pitta kind of people should definitely avoid heavy, oily, spicy, greasy food. Very bland and light food is the most ideal for the Pitta type of people. It is okay to consume small amounts of nuts. Salty, sourly, chilly hot food must be avoided by these people. Vegetable juices and fruits are very good for them.

Kapha oriented people should eat light food with little spices. Greasy, oily stuff need to be excluded. They should say "No" to heavy nuts, sweets and salty food. Vegetable juices, sour and fruit juices are there best friends. Herbal tea is suitable for the Kapha types.

Generally, fried items, sweets, cold items, bread, bakery items, food made out of refined flour, milk and milk products are to be avoided by vocalists. More intake of vegetable soup, fruits like papaya, apple, dried fruits, carrot, spinach etc. will benefit a vocal musician in developing a good voice culture. Modern fast food dishes are very harmful for the throat as well as for general health.

The Trigunas

The 17th chapter of the Bhagavat Geeta classifies food as Satvic, Rajasic & Tamasic.

" Ayu Satwa Balarogya Sukha Preeti Vivardhana
Rasya snigdha sthira hridya ahara satvika priya
Katvamla lavanatyushna Teekshna rooksha vidahina
Ahara Rajasasyeshta dukha sokamayaprada
Yatayamam gatarasam pooti paryushitam cha yat
uchishtamapi chamedhyam bhojanam tamasapriyam"

                - The foods that increase vitality, energy, vigour, health and joy, that are delicious wholesome, substantial and agreeable are dear to satvic people. Foods that are bitter, sour, salty, excessively hot, pungent, dry and burned are liked by the rajasic type of people. That food which is stale, tasteless, putrid, rotten and impure refuse is the food liked by tamasic kind of people.

Satva, Rajas and Tamas are three qualities inherent in everything. Satvic foods render the mind pure and calm and help to develop equanimity and balance of the mind. They also help to provide a peaceful attitude even during tough situations. Satvic foods are fresh and natural, preferably grown organically. They should be eaten raw, steamed or lightly cooked. Fruits have foremost importance in the Yoga diet. The curative effects of fresh juicy fruits are astonishing. Use natural sweeteners like honey etc. instead of sugar. Dairy products tend to intensify the production of mucus and this in turn interferes with the natural flow of breath. Hence it is not suitable for vocalists.

Rajasic foods over stimulate the body and mind and thus result in mental agitation, restlessness, anger, irritability etc. Onion, garlic, radish, coffee, tea tobacco all fall into the rajasic type of food. Foods that are heavily spiced and salted, chemical-riddled, convenience foods and snacks, refined sugar, soft drinks, prepared mustards, pungent spices, highly seasoned foods and anything that is excessively hot, bitter, sour, salty are all rajasic and are best avoided.

Tamasic food makes one dull, inert and lethargic. Meat, fish and all intoxicants are of Tamasic nature. Tamasic foods include all foods that are stale decomposed, unclean as well as over ripe and unripe foods. Also included are the foods that have been fermented, burned, fried, barbecued or re-heated many times as well as canned, processed, instant foods. Mushrooms and vinegar also are of Tamasic qualities. Over eating is also a Tamasic tendency.

This classification is meant to help one to change the dietary habits in a positive direction so as to enable the person to extract maximum benefit at the level of both body and mind. A wise choice of one's own food style can result in the production of a good voice with adequate control and refinement.

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