Sunday, March 13, 2011

Who is a Yogi?

To be a Yogi does not depend on one's creed, sex, dress, nationality, profession, status, education or on the fact whether he is a layman or a monk or whether or not he performs particular rituals. A person can be called a Yogi, in whatever position he is, if he is unruffled in any situation and is not proud of his success or sad about his reverses. He works without stress and strain with no attachment or murmering about the results. In other words, he performs his duty and accepts whatever comes in return with ease. He works as if he is acting in a drama, playing the given role without getting affected by the role he is playing. Such a person does not regret for whatever has happened in the past, nor does he dream for the future. He is fully immersed in the work that he is presently doing. He is simple, natural, egoless and pleasing to meet, with no showmanship or taboos. He is happy in every situation and has no planned way of life. He is an observer to whatever happens around himself. It is difficult to find such a Yogi, but to the extend that these elements are found in anybody, he is in the process of becoming a Yogi.