The different types of Yogic practices which are prevalent today have come from Tantra Yoga taught to Sree Parvathy by Lord Parameswara himself. A Yogic life style is very ideal for vocalists. Yoga has a great role in voice development.
The Six Cleansing Acts (Shat Kriyas)
The ancient texts of Yoga, like Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Gheranta Samhita etc., prescribe six cleansing processes as being mainly for those who are flabby and phlegmatic in nature. Among these, Neti (nasal cleansing), Dhauti (washing) and Kapalabhati (cleansing breath) are extremely useful for Vocalists. They help to cleanse the respiratory and nervous systems which are deterimental in the production of good voice. It is always advisable to take guidance from a genuine teacher to learn and perform these acts.
Neti (nasal cleansing)
Neti is a technique for cleansing the nose, nasal passages and sinuses. Swatma Rama in his Hatha Yoga Pradeepika mentions two methods of performing this act.
1) Jala Neti (water cleansing) : Add a tea spoon of sea salt to a glass of luke warm water and stirr well. with the use of a Neti pot (lota) pour the water into one nostril, keeping the head back. Then raise the head and blow the excess water out of the nostril. Repeat with the other nostril.
2) Sutra Neti (thread cleansing) : Dip the string of catheter into luke warm salt water. Insert the catheter into the right nostril. when you feel it on the back of the tounge, slowly and carefully draw the catheter out through the mouth using the index finger and the thumb. Repeat with left nostril. Do not perform this in case of any upper respiratory infection.
Dhauti (washing)
There are three cleansing techniques of Dhauti from the point of view of a vocalist.
1) Karna Dhauti (ear cleansing) : Clean the two holes of the ears by index and ring fingers. By practicing it daily, the mystical sounds are heard. This means that the ears become so sensitive to listen even very subtle sounds.
2) Kapala Randhra Dhauti (cleansing the frontal sinuses) : The Gheranta Samhita directs as follows :- Rub the depression in the forehead near the bridge of the nose with the right hand thumb. By practicing this, problems occurring from derangement of phlegmatic humors are healed. This should be practiced daily after getting up from sleep, after lunch and in the evening.
3)Hrd Dhauti (cleansing the throat or chest) : According to Gheranta Samhita, there are three methods of doing this act.
a)Danda Dhauti (stalk cleansing) : A stalk of plantain, turmeric or cane is slowly pushed into the gullet and then drained out slowly. Thereby phlegm, bile and other impurities are expelled out of the mouth.
b) Vamana Dhauti (water cleansing) : Drink luke warm water with a teaspoonful of salt, fill up to the throat. Then look up for a short while and vomit. By regular practice of this act, disorders of phlegm and bile are cured.
c)Vastra Dhauti (cloth cleansing) : Take a fine peace of gauze, 2 to 3 inches wide and 15 feet long. Dip it into tepid salt water. Place one end of the cloth into the mouth and begin to chew. Begin to swallow the cloth little by little. Inorder to get the cloth moving, some water can be drunk slong with the cloth. On the first day swallow only one foot of the length, retain it for a few minutes, then take it out slowly. Thus, little by little, the whole cloth can be swallowed. Retain it in the stomach for two minutes. Then withdraw the gauze slowly and carefully. hen the kriya is over, drink some milk or warm water with honey to lubricate the throat. This can be practiced once a week in the early morning on an empty stomach.
Kapalabhati : This is described elaborately in the chapter for Pranayam.
Asanas (Physical Postures)
As far as voice culture is concerned Asanas have a great deal to offer. In Indian Music we can find the seven Musical Notes being equated to the sounds of different birds or animals. The names of the Musical Notes themselves indicate their corresponding creatures. They are : Shadja - Peacock, Rishabha - Bull, Gandhara - Ram, Madhyama - Crouncha Bird, Panchama - Koil Bird , Dhaivata - Horse, and Nishada - Elephant. Even some Asanas are named after the names of some animals and the postures too resemble that of particular creatures. In the Indian Classical System of Music, there exist relationship between human body and the Muisical Notes. This also indicate the fact that all these knowledge are interconnected at a deeper level. It can also be implied that these knowledge had been derived from the nature itself.
In Yoga, Asanas are similar to physical form of exercises. Proper breathing and awareness are also incorporated along with it. There are Asanas or physical postures which are beneficial for specific organs of the body, even though in Yoga the body is treated as a whole. Now let us see some of the Asanas which directly benefit the culturing of voice.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
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Bhujanga means a snake. This is a supine pose.
Method :
· Lie facing down - Palms adjacent to shoulders - Elbows up
· Inhale - Raise the upper trunk up - straighten the hands
· Exhale - Slowly copme down to the original position
Benefit :
By practice of this Asana, Thyroid gland is regulated, chest expands and breathing habits improve
Precaution :
This should not be practiced by people suffering from peptic ulcer, hernia, intestinal tuberculosis and hyperthyroidism.
Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
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Method :
· Lie facing down - Chin on the floor - Hands stretched backwards
· Make a fist underneath
· Push hands down - Inhale - Raise both legs without bending - Chin on the floor
· Exhale - Bring down the legs
Benefits :
Stimulates autonomic nervous system. Stretches the nerves, improves blood circulation to neck and pelvis. Abdominal organs are massaged. Heart and lungs are benefited due to pressure on the abdomen.
Precaution :
Coronary thrombosis or people with high Blood Pressure should take care. Persons with hernia, peptic ulcer, intestinal tuberculosis should avoid this asana. Serious slipped disc, Sciatica should be careful though this asana is good for them.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
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Method :
· Lie facing down - fold the legs and hold the ankles with palms - knees together
· Raise upper and lower trunks up trying to straighten the legs - Inhale
· Exhale and come down
Benefits :
This asana is good for Asthma & Heart problems. In this asana endocrinal glands, notably, thyroid and the adrenals are massaged and toned.
Precaution :
People with Heart diseases, high blood pressure, hernia, peptic or duodenal ulcers, appendicitis, colitis and other abdominal ailments should avoid this asana.
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
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Method :
· Raise both legs up to 90 degrees
· With the support of both the hands on the hips, raise the upper trunk from the floor perpendicular to the head.
· Back head, shoulders and upper arms rested on the floor - chin touching the chest - body should be straight and vertically up
· With the support of both the hands slowly bring down the body back to lying position
Benefits :
As the name indicates sarvangasana is beneficial literally for all the organs of the body. It maintains the correct body weight by balancing the endocrine system, specifically the thyroid gland. The ears, eyes, lungs, thymus all benefit from improved blood supply. It eliminates throat and nose ailments, helps to tranquilize the mind.
Precaution :
People with weak heart, high blood pressure, excessively enlarged thyroid, weak blood vessals in the eyes, arteriosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, impure blood, slipped disc, during menstruation for ladies should avoid.
Halasana (Plough Pose)
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Method :
· From sarvangasana take the legs backwards straight - toes touching the floor
· Hands stretched in the opposite direction forming a clasp
· Slowly come back to sarvangasana and return to the starting position
Benefits :
In addition to many other general benefits, halasana acts on the neck region. Also thyroid and para thyroid glands are rendered more efficient.
Precaution :
People who suffer from hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, high blood pressure or any serious back ailments should not do this asana.
Matsyasana (Fish pose)
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Method :
· Supporting with the palms, placed adjacent to the shoulders, raise the head and touch the crown to the floor
· Place the hands on the lap, elbows touching floor
· Bring the hands back near the shoulders - Support and put the head back to normal position.
Benefit :
This is a complementary pose of sarvangasana. This asana improves breathing process. Good for Asthma, bronchitis or any other lung ailments. Very good preparation for other meditation poses.
Precaution :
People who suffer from peptic ulcer, hernia or serious spinal ailments should not do matsyasana without expert guidance. Ladies during advanced stage of pregnancy should avoid this asana.
Meditation is an integral part of Yoga. A person's voice and his state of mind are inter related. A person's attitude is naturally shown in the tone of his voice. An arrogant person possesses a harsh voice. A soft person speaks in a soft tone. Regular practice of meditation influences th character of a person in a positive direction which in turn influences the voice of the person.Meditation brings about deepened awareness. A calm and balanced mind results from the practice of regular meditation. Ability to concentrate the mind increases. Focus of the mind helps perfect Sruti alignment. Meditation also helps to develop sensitivity of the ears which is very essential for a musician. The tremendous results obtained through meditation in connection to the voice training actually come just as side benefits. Above all it can really transform a person's life and influence positively many different aspects of life.